About OboeMi

OboeMi 的由來:因為我的綽號叫小米,又吹 oboe 雙簧管,所以才叫 OboeMi,而這個「M」不一樣的是,它是由我的名字「Mi」取出來的,所以我特別挑「M」然後利用兩個音符交結而成。希望大家會喜歡我設計的商品,之後除了音樂會、演講、教課,我會繼續創作音樂相關、雙簧管相關的商品。
The origin of “OboeMi”:
Because I am nicknamed “小米” and always plays the oboe, I call my brand “OboeMi”. Specially, the “M” is picked from my name “Mi” so I crossed two musical note to make up the “M” as my trademark. Hope all of you be like my products. Besides holding the concerts, giving the speech and teaching, I will continue to create the products related to music and oboe.